'My paintings explore these everyday ordinary things that most people take for granted, and strive to recreate these images of beauty onto canvas.'
Maria's work is a reflection of the way she views life. It is about searching for the ultimate statement through colour and form, revealing the inner soul we all possess, spiritual and mysterious.
Her fascination with people, their traits, character and interactions is echoed in her work through her characteristic use of colour and texture. Her style is distinctly recognisable as she paints with knife, confidently applying layer upon layer, enhancing the quality of light and movement and allowing the texture of the paint to play a key role in the structure of her work.
She currently works from her studio in Co. Leitrim. She has been painting for over twenty years and has contributed successfully to many gallery and public exhibitions throughout her career.
Maria's work is highly original; her creative and imaginative one-off pieces ensure her reputation for innovative and inspiring artwork that is eminently collectable and truly unique.
Her paintings reveal the hidden depths around us, and exhibit a lasting appeal and enduring interest through their subtle complexity of colour, texture and content.
On show, her paintings demand attention, grip the imagination and reward the curiosity of our senses.
Web: http://www.voiceboxartgallery.com
Art Blog: http://www.voiceboxart.com